The Pocono Mountains are not just a sanctuary for people; they are a vibrant habitat for a diverse array of wildlife. Each creature, from the smallest chipmunk to the stealthy black bear, plays a role in the region’s ecological tapestry. Here’s a glimpse into the lives of some animals you might encounter while staying in this nature lover’s paradise.


Graceful and agile, the white-tailed deer is a symbol of the Poconos’ wilderness. These gentle herbivores are known for their distinctive tail, which flashes white when they are alarmed and dashing away. In the Poconos, the frequent sight of white-tailed deer is enchanting yet a reminder to drive cautiously. These animals are often active at dawn and dusk and may cross roads unpredictably, especially during fall and spring. Motorists should remain alert, respect speed limits, and exercise caution to protect these local inhabitants and ensure a safe travel experience for all.


The elusive red fox, with its striking orange coat and bushy tail, is a sight to behold. These solitary hunters are most active at night but can occasionally be seen at dawn or dusk. They are quite adaptable, often roaming the edges of forests and fields in search of small rodents.


With their characteristic masked faces and ringed tails, raccoons are the clever opportunists of the Poconos. These nocturnal mammals are known for their dexterity and intelligence, often rummaging through anything they can get their paws on, so securing your trash is a must! This is why it is essential never to leave any garbage or food outdoors, especially overnight.


Contrary to their often comical portrayal, wild turkeys are quite resourceful birds. You may hear their distinctive gobbling or spot a flock (or “rafter”) foraging on the ground for nuts, seeds, and insects. These large birds are more agile than they appear, capable of swift running and powerful flight over short distances.


The Eastern chipmunk is the charming mini architect of the Poconos. These tiny, striped rodents are often heard before they are seen, with their quick, high-pitched chirps. They scurry about the forest floor, collecting nuts and seeds for their burrows.


Soaring high above, the red-tailed hawk is a master of the skies. This raptor has a broad wingspan and a distinctive reddish-brown tail. Keep an eye out for them perched in the treetops or gliding over open fields as they search for prey.


The Eastern cottontail rabbit, with its fluffy tail and bounding gait, is a common sight in the early morning or late evening. They favor the edges of open fields and meadows, where they munch on a variety of green plants.


A familiar sight across the Poconos, the Eastern gray squirrel is an agile climber and a keen forager. Watch for their acrobatic antics in the trees and their amusing burying of acorns, which contributes to forest renewal.


The Pocono Mountains are home to a healthy population of black bears. These magnificent mammals are mostly docile but command respect and distance. They are omnivores, enjoying everything from berries to fish, and they have an excellent memory of locations where they’ve found food.


Also known as groundhogs, woodchucks are the burrowing ground squirrels of the Poconos. These chunky creatures are responsible for the large, well-kept burrows you might see in open fields. They feed on grasses and plants and are known for their amusing, upright posture when surveying their surroundings.

Encountering Poconos’ wildlife is a delightful experience that enriches any visit. However, it’s crucial to observe all animals from a distance, respect their habitats, and never feed them. Remember, we are the visitors in their home. So, bring your binoculars and cameras, and prepare for a wildlife adventure that will make your stay at Serenity Falls and Harmony Hill truly unforgettable.